I'm Neil the Erotic Hypnotist. I do both erotic and therapeutic hypnosis, both in person and online (over Skype or Zoom). This website will tell you more about me, what I do, and how you can book a session with me.
Current location: New York City.
So what is Erotic Hypnosis? There's a more detailed explanation of what I do on the Sessions and FAQ pages, but here's a short explanation of what it's all about:
Erotic Hypnosis is regular hypnosis used in a sexual context. With hypnosis, you can be made to feel any sensation you're able to imagine, and even make elaborate scenes feel totally real. It's a hot and safe way to explore your fantasies.
Now that we've gotten that out of the way, here's a brief explanation of the various pages on this site:
Home - This page
About Me - This is where you can learn about me (and yes, there's also a picture)
Sessions - Here you can learn about the various type of sessions and scenes I do, as well as my rates
News/Blog - This has my travel plans and various updates
FAQ - A list of Frequently Asked Questions (with answers, of course)
Links - My online profiles and other relevant links (including mentions in the press); this page is a lot more interesting than it sounds
Contact - The most important page: how to contact me to ask questions and book a session.