Upcoming travel: San Francisco - 9/21-28

I will be in San Francisco for the annual Folsom St. Fair, arriving on September 21 in the afternoon and leaving on the afternoon of September 28.I should have some time for client sessions.  I'll be staying with friends, so won't be able to host, but will be able to travel around the city by bike and public transit.  Contact me if you want to book a session.

MAL wrap up

I'm back from MAL (well, have been for over a week).  I had a great time, met some great people, had some hot play and also had time to meet with a couple of clients.  All in all, a great weekend.Speaking of hot play, I got to play with great guy called Sparky.  We did a one-on-one session Saturday afternoon and then continued to play in public in the hotel lobby later that evening.  He wrote all about it on his blog.  You can read part one here and part two here.As usual, the links have been added to the Links section.

Upcoming travel: San Francisco - 9/22-29

I will be in San Francisco for the annual Folsom St. Fair, arriving on September 22 in the morning and leaving on the afternoon of September 29.I should have some time for client sessions.  I'll be staying with friends, so won't be able to host, but will be able to travel around the city by bike and public transit.  Contact me if you want to book a session.

Upcoming travel: Road trip (Raleigh, Jacksonville & Key West) - 5/30-6/5

A friend of mine is moving to Key West and I'll be accompanying him on the trip down. We'll be leaving NYC early Sunday morning (5/30) and stopping overnight in Raleigh, NC. The following night (5/31) we'll be in Jacksonville, FL. If all goes according to plan, we should reach Key West Tuesday evening, 6/1. I'll be flying back to NYC Saturday evening (6/5).I might have some time for clients in Raleigh and Jacksonville, and will definitely have plenty of time to see clients in Key West, so please contact me if you want to book a session.